Where are you located?

Sunnyside Elementary is located between Monterey Blvd. and City College. The cross streets are Hearst and Flood. Get directions from Google Map.

What are the school hours?

Sunnyside’s hours are 8:40am to 2:40pm for all students.

What is your school population?

We are a small, friendly school with 263 students. We have a very diverse student body with approximately 25% Latino, 19% Chinese, 12% African American, 11% Filipino, 13% Other White, 15% Other Non White and a small percentage of other groups. We have two Severely Impaired Special Education classrooms.

Are your teachers fully credentialed?

Yes, all of our teachers are fully credentialed. All teachers participate in bi-weekly grade level professional development meetings.

What curriculum do you use?

All teachers use State and District-adopted texts and curricula. Teachers also supplement their lessons with books, videos and other instructional materials.

What makes Sunnyside different?

Sunnyside is a friendly and close-knit community. We celebrate our small size and family atmosphere. Students are taught to respect and care for each other, and the teachers see all the students as their students.

We have monthly Spirit Assemblies and family celebrations during the year to build the sense of community. OctoberFest is at the end of October, International Night in February, and SpringFest in May. Students and their families share activities and food in a relaxed social atmosphere.

Is there before- and after-school childcare?

Yes, the YMCA provides on site childcare starting at 7:30 in the morning, and going until 6:30 every evening. Fees are based on a sliding scale. There is also a free afterschool tutoring program called EXCEL that operates five days a week from 2:40pm to 5:40pm. The YMCA program provides childcare during school holidays, but the EXCEL program does not.

When can prospective parents visit?

Sunnyside offers tours on Tuesday mornings and also other times and in Spanish or Chinese by special arrangement. Please call the school to make an appointment. See the contact page for more details.