Sign up for eScrip Today!

Support Sunnyside by signing up for eScrip

What is eScrip?
eScrip is a fast, simple and convenient way for schools like Sunnyside to raise funds through everyday purchases made at eScrip merchants such as Safeway and Macy’s.

How does it work?
eScrip and hundreds of merchant partners have created a system that rewards customer loyalty by contributing a percentage of purchases to your chosen group. You shop the way you like to shop for groceries, clothing, travel and entertainment. It’s simple, convenient and FREE. All you need to do is register your grocery club card and debit/credit card(s).

Simple Registration – Register Today!
Go to the eScrip Supporter Registration page to register online.
Designate Sunnyside Elementary School to receive contributions. Our Group ID is #138051594.
Register your grocery club cards from a participating merchant — and your debit, ATM and credit cards if you wish.

That’s it!
Visit eScrip merchants to shop. It’s automatic! Sunnyside can potentially receive hundreds of dollars from your participation alone.

Welcome new students!

A big welcome to all the people assigned to join us at Sunnyside Elementary this year!

We are excited to meet you and hope that you can join us for a brief welcome gathering.

Saturday, March 20
School Library
Sunnyside Elementary
250 Foerster

You are also welcome to visit the classrooms where you will be able to meet current Kindergarten parents and ask questions and learn more about our school and its programs.

BTW, there will be a SFUSD enrollment counseling session in the cafeteria at the same time, so please plan accordingly.
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